Explore Maris Brood’s Lightsaber: A Weapon of Chaos and Fury

Explore Maris Brood’s Lightsaber: A Weapon of Chaos and Fury

Maris Brood was a character in the saga who was never trained in the lightsaber combat. She was a fierce warrior, known for her speed, unpredictability, and raw emotion, but she lacked discipline a...

Maris BroodMaris Brood

Who Is Maris Brood? The Fallen Padawan of Star Wars Legends

Maris Brood was a character from Star Wars Legends. Adrienne Wilkinson voiced her in The Force Unleashed. She was a Jedi Padawan who survived Order 66. However, after her master, Shaak Ti, died, sh...

Third Sister’s Lightsaber: A Deadly Weapon of the Inquisitorius

Third Sister’s Lightsaber: A Deadly Weapon of the Inquisitorius

Things changed when Darth Sidious executed Order 66 in the galaxy far, far away. The Force-sensitive beings were captured, and the Empire made them Jedi hunters, referred to as Inquisitors. They go...

Reva SevanderWho Is Third Sister? The Mysterious Rise of Reva Sevander

Who Is Third Sister? The Mysterious Rise of Reva Sevander

Reva Sevander, also known as the Third Sister, was a former Jedi youngling who survived Order 66, only to fall to the dark side and become an Inquisitor under Darth Vader’s command. She was one of ...

Darth NihilusWho Is Darth Nihilus? The Mysterious Sith of the Old Republic

Who Is Darth Nihilus? The Mysterious Sith of the Old Republic

Darth Nihilus was one of the most terrifying Sith Lords in Star Wars history. He was called the Lord of Hunger. Unlike other Sith Lords, he could consume entire planets. He drained all energy and l...

Darth BaneWho Is Darth Bane? The Dark Lord Who Reshaped the Sith

Who Is Darth Bane? The Dark Lord Who Reshaped the Sith

Many Sith are in the Star Wars galaxy, each known for his influence and power. Darth Bane is one of the most influential Sith Lords who redefined the entire Sith Order. In the Clone Wars, Mark Hami...